Jan 19, 2022Liked by The FinTech Prompt

If CBDC and Crypto currencies are allowed to coexist would it not create an issue of value perception in an economy with multiple digital currencies? Also the major issue most normal people would have with crypto is the lack of transparency and unstablity. This would make it difficult for crypto to compete with the CBDC as a typical unit of exchange for goods and services. This episode is highly informative. Thanks for sharing.

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If their nature is adequately provided for in regulation, I think the issue of value perception of multiple digital currencies could be dealt with. Naturally, only the CBDCs (and not crypto) in several countries will be considered legal tender.

Interestingly enough, crypto ecosystem is considered transparent. The main issue instead is the anonymity attached to transactions. Nonetheless, CBDCs as a unit of exchange (over crypto) so far, remains the more acceptable option for governments and regulators.

Thank you Charles for your comment.

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Jan 19, 2022Liked by The FinTech Prompt

Nice work. Informative indeed. This would be great in a YouTube video

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Thank you Darlington! Glad you found it informative. We will definitely consider YouTube for the future.

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